Teaching the Science
of Sustainability

In spring 2018, Science and Mathematics Professor Karen Pearson introduced workshops into the science curriculum that exposed a cross-section of FIT students to biomaterials made from microbes. From this effort, the Genspace Scholars program was born. Genspace scholars are students, supported by FIT, who conduct sustainability research that aligns with their academic and long-term career goals.
Students have daily access to the Genspace lab in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. In addition, these scholars also benefit from the mentorship from the Genspace scientific staff.
Veronica Apsan, is a 2018 graduating a Fashion Design student, who is working with a fiber she has embedded with tea tree oil to study the fiber’s antimicrobial properties. She is also researching the development of an activewear product infused with essential oils that can scientifically elevate your mood, aid in sweat management, and control body odor. Tahiya Hossain, a third-year Fashion Design student, is exploring ways to create garments made of microbial leather. Tahiya’s research includes evaluating how this bacteria-grown fabric responds to temperature, colorants, and more. She is also researching how to make the material more wearable.