
FRIS is a place for innovation that continues to garner support from the college’s leadership. “This has been a truly collaborative effort from day one,” Dr. Giacomo “Jack” Oliva, vice president for Academic Affairs, said. “The real spirit here is that collectively we have immense power in terms of what we want to do for innovation. And to see it happen is so exciting.”
“This is a place for you,” President Joyce F. Brown told the faculty. “It is a place to experience, test, try things, and fail. I think we learn with each experiment, and each frontier that we try to cross.”
Faculty have most often requested and tested augmented and virtual reality technology. In addition, an extruder, machinery that converts raw materials into usable apparel-production resources, has been purchased to support the college’s various sustainability projects.

Status Update
FRIS continues to be used by our faculty as a place to learn and try, firsthand, new technologies. In April 2018, the lab hosted a class on wearable technologies.