
Essential Training
For Drone Pilots

drone flying with red light inside FIT building

Drones have become increasingly popular for more than mere entertainment and package delivery: drones are also changing the way photography, event management, and safety professionals are capturing images.  As part of FIT’s Workforce of the Future initiative, FIT is offering a comprehensive 12-hour Learning how to fly a Drone course designed to provide thorough instruction on drone technology, equipment use, legal considerations, maintenance, and Flight Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations.

This non-credit course being offered by the FIT Center for Continuing and Professional Studies conducts all flight training indoors in order to provide an environment where students can become proficient at basic maneuvers before moving outdoors where natural and weather elements become a factor. Such controlled learning conditions are rare, as most self-trained operators lack the opportunity or facilities for indoor training. Further, we instruct students without GPS in an effort to foster better foundational skills.   Currently,
these courses are being taught at the Brooklyn Army Terminal at Sunset
Park, Brooklyn.

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