According to the FBI, one child in America goes missing every minute. Young children, especially those with autism, are prone to wandering away, and more than half of children with autism go missing, often into dangerous situations. Furthermore, the prevalence of dementia in older adults is growing rapidly throughout the world, and those individuals can easily wander off and go missing. Through the combination of smart clothing and cell phone technology, B’zT can help keep loved ones close—and save lives.

Current safety devices are either ineffective or cumbersome, not waterproof, expensive, potential choking hazards (leashes), easy to lose or remove, or expensive in up-front costs and monthly fees. B’zT overcomes these issues by embedding safety technology into everyday clothing that is comfortable, easy to use, and cost-effective. The awards and industry recognition Nam has received doesn’t compare to the letters and messages from grateful parents and caregivers, event organizers, and health care providers who have prevented accidents and recovered loved ones.
In 2021, B’zT migrated its server and technology to the Microsoft Azure platform. By leveraging cloud technology, B’zT can scale and customize its safety solutions for institutions, organizations, retailers, and wholesalers worldwide.